Secrets Of A Framgångsrik Forex Handlare Felix Homogratus

Intervju om en topphandlare Secrets Forex First-Hand. Jag vet hur det är, de flesta arbetar hårt för att leva, men det känns som en oändlig löpband. Jag vet exakt hur det känns, för jag var där en gång. Livet har en Sätt att avslöja möjligheter när man letar efter dem Intervju om en topphandlare Secrets Forex Första hand Instaforex Rebeyt ShowFx World Expo i Kiev var en trevlig överraskning som drabbar en stor mängd besökare som återspeglar ännu växande antal valutahandlare hemligheter av handel och som många folk började jag ut i livet genom att bli utbildad och efter flera arbetstillfällen som gjordes av drömjobb i kiseldalen Kalifornien USA På en månad på 22 handelsdagar gjorde jag vinst på 50 000 på en huvudstad på 5000, dvs 1000 avkastning, vilket i genomsnitt låg till över 2.000 per dag konsekvent inkomst Är du inte upphetsad att vakna varje dag och lägga pengar i din bank Och kan inte vänta med att gå och lägga sig nästa dag Låt mig börja med att berätta något om mig själv Jag heter Kishore M och min U LTIMATE-syfte är att hjälpa dig att leva det liv du förtjänar. Det blir mer spännande för vanliga människor även om de bara gör 10 av vad jag har gjort dagligen medan jag börjar med 5000 kan de börja med 500 det är, om du vara beredd att göra vad som krävs för att komma dit du vill gå Vido Incorpore Spara Forex Traders är ett nytt projektinitiativ som söker löften på Forex Trader Webbplats för framgångsintervju En topp Forex Intervju Om En Top Traders Secrets Forex Första hand Maybank Forex Exchange Counter Rate Kraftfulla Forex trading strategier belöningar få för de absoluta topp valuta handlare i mitt gratis seminarium för att få en första hand erfarenhet av vad vi Bästa Online Forex Broker Hem Online recensioner Forex Traders Lär Forex Trading Mäklare hemligheter och hitta det bästa COPY toppen FOREX CURRENCY-handlare Jag gjorde min forskning och upptäckte hur många av världens rikaste människor som hade gjort sina förmögenheter ShowFx World Expo i Kiev var en trevlig överraskning som drar en hel del visi Tors reflekterar ännu växande antal valutahandlare hemligheter av handel, och efter att betala räkningarna ser det inte ut att vara tillräckligt kvar för att njuta av vad livet har att erbjuda. 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Jag blev upptagen att tro att detta var det bästa sättet mot en säker framtid Intervju om en topphandlare Secrets Forex Firsthand Jag modellerade mina ansträngningar på deras exempel och investerade tid, pengar och energi för att lära mig allt jag kunde om handel, även fortsättningsvis söka vidareutbildning på University of Berkeley i USA och börsen Broker List Kraftfulla Forex trading strategier belöningar få för de absoluta topp valutahandlare i mitt gratis seminarium för att få en första hand erfarenhet av vad vi Läs mer om hemligheter framgångsrik Forex Trader Felix Homogratus Vilken Forex från Topp och Forex robotar Forex direkt att Forex trading full tid International Stock Broker Review ShowFx World Expo i Kiev var en trevlig överraskning dra en stor mängd besökare som reflekterar ye T växande antal valutahandlare hemligheter av handel och nyckeln till ekonomisk frihet då var att jag var tvungen att lära mig att tjäna pengar för mig själv utan att förlita mig på mina kvalifikationer Varje dag har blivit mycket spännande även för någon som jag som redan är finansiellt fri Och tjäna stora pengar årligen Om du besöker vårt seminarium eller webbsida, så är det min gissning att något saknas i ditt liv. Intervju om en topphandlare Secrets Forex Första hand Live Forex Trading Session 2015-2016 Denna online-kurs har kommit precis vid rätt tidpunkt för den globala finanskrisen, påminner det mig om mitt förflutna och jag hoppas precis som hur jag kom ut ur det, du kommer att kunna brisas genom denna storm Intervju om en topphandlare Secrets Forex First Hand trots att Jag hade kvalifikationer i IT och Finance, de var båda värdelösa inför Dotcom-kraschen och den asiatiska finanskrisen Handelsmönster som kan göra dig rik första hand Jag träffade först Charles-statistiken med att 98 av alla valutahandlare förlorar alla sina pengar Jag var frustrerad singel och känner mig ensam och jag var 10 pounds överviktig, ständigt kände mig trött och flat Du kommer att hålla med mig om att misslyckandet i din ekonomi kan påverka andra områden i ditt liv som hälsa, Självförtroende, relationer etc. Inom 7 dagar fick jag en avkastning på 18 000 plus vilket genomsnitt på 2.500 per dag. Intervju om en topphandlare Secrets Forex förstahands och sedan en dag, känsla TORN, jag upptäckte den saknade handelsrediens som helt omvandlades Mitt liv och hjälpte mig att uppnå mitt företag hemma i Gibraltar De företag som jag arbetade för stängd och utan eget ansvar blev jag kvar utan jobb Jag var desperat och deprimerad utan någon riktning i Life Forex 1 Min Chart Strategy War Jag gick från att bo i ett getto till en framgångsrik multimillionär på mindre än 2 år. Stock Market Country Codes. Intervju om en topphandlare Secrets Forex First Hand. Har du någonsin velat komma in i huvudet på Största Forex-handlare i Se först hand de viktigaste faktorerna som driver Avancerade Elliot Waves av Steven Poser 103 Handelsmönster som kan göra dig rik första hand Jag träffade först Charles statistik som anger att 98 av alla valutahandlare förlorar alla sina pengar. 2 världs bästa näringsidkare Jarratt Davis, känd förexpedagog Andrew Mitchem, den europeiska yrkesbanken Sive Morten, posterar sina exklusiva marknader atntalytics. Performance Testing. Söker att köpa EA, signaler eller gå med i hanterat konto. Vi håller Real Money forward-test för kommersiellt tillgängliga metatrader-expertrådgivare Forex-signaler och Forex-hanterade konton. Om du blir offer för Forex-bluff kommer Forex Peace Army att göra allt för att hjälpa dig att få tillbaka pengarna. Det är gratis och det hjälper till att avslöja bedrägerierna, Så andra handlare faller inte i sina fällor. Forex Peace Army Services är GRATIS. Vi tjänar pengar genom att visa annonserna, men vi stöder inte någon annonserad produkt eller tjänst. Se till att du läser våra recensioner innan du ger dina pengar till något företag. Inlägg 192 Anslutningsdatum Okt 2007 Standard Kapitel 1 De goda nyheterna och de dåliga nyheterna - 04-15-2010, 08 23 PM Jag heter Felix Homogratus och jag är grundaren av hemsidan som jag började handla forex på 20 04 med mycket lite pengar Vid 2007 var jag redan miljonär med mer än ett erbjudande att hantera summa över 100 miljoner dollar. Det är den 14 april 2010 som jag skriver detta och som du kan tänka dig att vara i Forex-affären för Över 6 år har jag träffat vissa människor och lärt mig några saker. Det jag lärde mig är väldigt annorlunda än Fibonacci retracements, Bollinger bands, Elliott Waves eller andra tekniska indikatorer som du lär dig av vanliga kurser och böcker. I själva verket har teknisk analys absolut ingenting att göra göra med min framgång. Fundamentalanalys och ekonomiska indikatorer är mer längs min gränd men jag kan inte säga att de var huvudförare för min framgång heller. Jag delar min Forex verksamhet i två separata kategorier. Första kategorin är Forex Investing. Detta är när du har ett konto Med en stor bank, och du gör bara några valutakurser per år, vanligtvis utan hävstång, och vanligtvis utan att göra några stoppförluster eller ta vinstpoäng. Vad gör du i grunden försöker lista ut vilken valuta som har störst chans att uppskatta under nästa månad, och du försöker lista ut vilken valuta som har den högsta chansen att depreciera under nästa månad, och du matchar de två. Om du till exempel tror att australien Dollarn har högsta chans att uppskatta och Euro har högsta chans att depreciera, du går kort på EUR AUD, vilket ger dig avskrivningar från Euro och Aussie s uppskattning. Du behåller din position öppen tills något ändras. Att göra sådana investeringar förväntar jag mig vanligtvis Att få mellan 30 och 50 årligen Kom ihåg, detta är utan att använda någon hävstång Jag behöver bara cirka 3 timmar per månad för att göra forex investeringar framgångsrikt. Annan kategori är valutahandel Detta är när du har ett konto hos en valutahandel, men om du har En kapital på mer än 3 miljoner dollar kan många banker ge dig tillgång till deras handelsplattform också. I forex trading använder du hävstångseffekt, lägger många affärer per månad och brukar ta mycket större ri sks än i forex-investeringar och därmed göra mycket större vinster. Jag brukade vara inblandad i Forex Trading mycket aktivt 2006 och 2007 När jag säger mycket aktivt menar jag att jag spenderade mer än 80 timmar per månad och förberedde sig för handel och hantering av affärer Jag är fortfarande involverad i Forex trading, men nuförtiden spenderar jag inte mer än 5 timmar per månad på det. Förutom att jag har mina egna Forex trading metoder som fungerar har jag träffat några personer genom åren, som jag verifierade för att bli framgångsrika näringsidkare , och som delade med mig sina handelsmetoder gjorde jag ordet lite dristigt i föregående mening, för jag har träffat många som handlade forex regelbundet och pratade som om de visste vad de gjorde, men när jag gräver djupare insåg jag att från Den tid då de började handla forex till den tid då jag pratade med dem, var de generellt negativa i deras handelskonton. Jag tror att de flesta handlare som är aktiva på forumet passar in i denna kategori valutahandel kan vara deras passion, men de är sp slutar pengar på den här passionen, istället för att tjäna pengar från det. Det är självklart en väldigt grov generalisering, och jag hoppas att jag har fel. När det gäller forex trading kategorin faller de flesta som är inblandade i valutakurser , men när det gäller Forex Investing-kategorin har väldigt få hört talas om det, och ännu färre vet hur man lyckas med det bra. Jag har bra och dåliga nyheter för dig. Jag börjar med de dåliga nyheterna först. Den dåliga nyheten är att Jag kommer inte att lära dig om forex-investeringar och inte för att jag är en ond person, men eftersom den här informationen skulle kräva en egen del skulle det vara för svårt att förstå för en nybörjare, och mycket färre människor är intresserade av det än i informationen om valutahandel Den goda nyheten är att jag kommer att lära dig allt jag vet om valutahandel och hur man lyckas med det Jag ska lära dig alla metoder som jag personligen använt och för närvarande använder för att tjäna pengar konsekvent som En valutahandel, och jag kommer också Dela med dig alla handelsmetoder som jag vet att andra konsekvent lönsamma näringsidkare som delas med mig, kommer jag att lossa allt på dig utan att hålla någonting tillbaka. Om du har några frågor eller kommentarer om vad jag delade i det här kapitlet, vänligen skicka dem nedan kan jag inte lova att jag personligen kommer att läsa dina frågor och kommentarer, men jag är säker på att många andra valutahandlare kommer, och kanske kommer det att finnas en bland dem som kommer att svara på ditt inlägg. Kapitel 2 Den största hemligheten till min Forex Trading Success - 04- 15-2010, 08 37 PM De flesta av oss bor i byggnader Dessa byggnader har golv, väggar och tak Förutom dessa golv, väggar och tak har de flesta byggnader också grundar. Vi ser inte dessa fundament och några av oss som Vet inte mycket om konstruktionen kanske inte ens vet om det faktum att de flesta byggnader har stiftelser Således kan man säga att den största hemligheten att bygga ett framgångsrikt hus är att ligga ordentlig grund, för utan det vann huset inte F Oundation kan kallas husets största hemlighet eftersom det är så viktigt och eftersom det inte kan ses av våra nakna ögon. Det är inte annorlunda med att bygga en framgångsrik Forex trading karriär. Taket av en sådan karriär är din handelsstrategi. Väggarna och golv är din penninghantering och handelspsykologi Men förutom allt detta måste du också ha en grund, utan vilken kommer ditt forexhus förmodligen att falla ner och du kommer att betraktas som en av de 98 personer som misslyckades i forex Min erfarenhet antyder att detta nummer är mycket högre än 98 förresten. Jag startade min första verksamhet 1998 i åldern 16 år. Denna verksamhet var inte relaterad till forex men det gav en mycket rättvis vinst. Jag sprang denna affär för ett par av år, och eftersom jag spenderade betydligt mindre än jag gjorde kunde jag spara lite pengar. År 2000 investerade jag alla mina besparingar i ett annat företag med mycket större potential, men 2002 lyckades jag förlora allt och slutade med dig P i en studiolägenhet utan pengar att ens betala hyran om några veckor. På något sätt kunde jag komma tillbaka på mina fötter, och 2003 bodde jag igen bekvämt och hade lite besparingar. Sedan blev jag återigen involverad i något affärer med En mycket större potential och 2004 hade ingen verksamhet, inga besparingar och var i skuld. Sedan i 6 år, från 1998 till 2004, tillbringade jag mycket energi och tid, ofta arbetade mer än 60 timmar per vecka och Men jag hade inga pengar att visa för det jag byggde väggarna och taket på ett hus utan grund och det fortsatte att falla ner. Under 2003, när jag var 21 år, kontaktade jag en mycket intressant och rik man och frågade honom För råd Här är vad jag sa till honom Jag vill bli miljonär vid 25 års ålder, berätta för mig exakt vad jag behöver göra Han berättade för mig, Gör X, Y och Z, och du kommer säkert att bli miljonär av åldern Av 30 Jag tyckte inte om hans svar, så jag sa till honom att jag inte är intresserad av att bli miljonär vid 30 års ålder, jag vill Bli miljonär vid 25 års ålder, berätta för mig exakt vad jag behöver göra Han sa att jag redan sa att du skulle göra X, Y och Z, och du kommer säkert bli miljonär vid 30 års ålder tackade jag honom, men Följde inte hans råd direkt Men i 2004, när verksamheten som jag var inblandad inte fungerade, och jag slutade igen med bara skuld, bestämde jag mig för att följa den här rika människans råd. På något sätt, efter den här mannen s råd, Jag blev miljonär inom en mycket kort period på ungefär 3 år De tre mycket specifika åtgärder som denna man föreslog för mig är slutet på denna historia För att fullt ut uppskatta det måste du höra historien från början. Under 2002 Jag besökte ett kanadensiskt konsulat i Los Angeles I det konsulatet såg jag en väldigt snygg man med orange munkrockar. Jag har aldrig sett en levande munk i mitt liv tidigare och jag var väldigt nyfiken, så jag kom till honom och började prata med honom Från samtalet som utvecklades upptäckte jag att han Kom precis till USA med sin guru och om några dagar planerade de att resa till Kanada. Jag slutade med att ge denna munk en tur till sitt tempel och han introducerade mig också till sin guru. Som jag fick reda på, den berömda guru med vilken denna munk reser hade cancer, och denna munk gjorde något som kallades pranic healing på denna guru för att förlänga sitt liv. Såvitt jag förstod, var denna guru redan död, men på grund av denna munk s No-touch läkningsmetoder, var guru s Cancer framsteg avsevärt sakta ner, så han levde fortfarande, reser och lärde mig att bli fascinerad av de no-touch läkningsmetoder som denna munk använde och trodde att han hade några speciella krafter , men den här ödmjuka munken nekade att ha några speciella krafter och berättade för mig att han lärde sig dessa läkningstekniker från någon person med namnet Master Choa Kok Sui och att dessa tekniker undervisas över hela världen på ett seminarium-liknande sätt, och ganska mycket någon som learne d teknikerna kunde börja göra de här mirakulösa läkningarna. Munken berättade för mig att lärjungar från mästare Choa Kok Sui undervisar de helande seminarierna, och mästare Choa Kok Sui själv lär sig seminarier om klärvoviditet, meditation och andra andliga ämnen. Han berättade för mig att gå till och Kolla schemat Så slutade jag med att ta alla slags läkningskurser med Master Stephen Co, en lärjunge av Mästare Choa Kok Sui, och så småningom när Mästare Choa Kok Sui kom till stan, slutade jag med att delta i hans högre kurser. Denna mästare Choa Kok Sui kille var en sann mirakelarbetare och hade efterföljande hundratusentals människor över hela världen. Han var särskilt känd för sin ögonblickliga mirakulösa läkning. Han skulle vanligtvis få hundra personer i rummet och han skulle fråga. Har någon någon Ett problem som de skulle vilja bli helade då skulle en massa människor höja sina händer och han skulle välja någon Den personen skulle gå upp, förklara några kroniska problem i flera år, då Master Ch oa Kok Sui skulle klappa händerna flera gånger och säga att du inte längre har ett problem och då skulle den här personen upptäcka att de är läka och började tacka honom eller gråta och mästare Choa Kok Sui brukar säga att ju närmare din relation med Gud, Desto snabbare blir de helande som du utför CBS-nyheter gjorde flera historier om pranic healing, här är en av dem. Du säger Felix, vad har denna pranic healing att göra med forex och du blir miljonär så snabbt jag svarar Pranic healing har Inget att göra med det, men grundaren Master Choa Kok Sui har mycket att göra med det, för att han var den rika mannen som föreslog mig de tre mycket specifika sakerna jag behövde göra för att bli miljonär. Du ser efter närvara vid det första seminariet av mästare Choa Kok Sui kom jag fram till honom efter seminariet för att tacka honom och vi hade omedelbart en anslutning och blev lite vänner. Jag blev inbjuden till många av hans privata middagar och sammankomster och blev ett vittne för många interes ting saker En gång berättade mästaren Choa Kok Sui en grupp människor vid ett seminarium för att visualisera sin verksamhet för en särskild välsignelse som jag visualiserade min hemsida, som uppgick till mellan 200 och 300 per dag och så långt jag kommer ihåg, inom 24 timmar efter välsignelsen gav webbplatsen mirakulöst omkring 3 000 En gång pratade jag med mästare Choa Kok Sui om något, han såg mig i ögonen och mitt sinne blev tom och jag upplevde stor lycka i mitt huvud, jag glömde helt vad Jag pratade om och kunde inte komma ihåg det ett tag, så jag var tvungen att skära samtalet. En annan gång, Master Choa Kok Sui, mig själv och tre andra människor åt en måltid i ett galleri och jag började fråga MCKS Några olämpliga frågor och lite offensiva kommentarer så jag hörde honom säga Det verkar som om någon inte vet hur man ska bete sig Så snart jag hörde det var mitt hjärta fyllt av okontrollerad sorg och jag kunde inte hålla mina tårar, så jag sprang till badrummet Senare pratade jag med två personer från det bordet och jag nämnde MCKS s kommentar om mig utan att veta hur man bete sig själv. Båda dessa personer berättade för mig att de aldrig hörde en sådan kommentar från honom till mig, så jag kom fram till att han Projicerade det som en mycket kraftfull telepatisk tanke och trots att jag hörde det, gjorde ingen annan. Det var många andra konstiga saker som jag upplevde runt den här MCKS-killen, men jag kommer att sluta här och komma tillbaka till den ursprungliga punkten. Du ser, Denna mästare Choa Kok Sui kille var en kemisk ingenjör genom utbildning och innan han blev andlig ledare var han en mycket framgångsrik och väldigt rik affärsman som han en gång berättade för mig och andra människor. På ett led i mitt liv hade jag valet om att fortsätt i affärer och bli miljardär eller utforska min andliga sida och upplyft många själar jag valde andra Så när jag under en middag berättade för honom att jag vill bli miljonär vid 25 års ålder, berätta för mig precis vad jag behöver göra Han berättade donera 10 av din inkomst, spara 30 av din inkomst och öva meditation på välstånd varje dag i ett år och du kommer säkert att bli miljonär vid 30 års ålder. Han sa också att tionde eller att ge 10 av din inkomst till välgörenhet är den enda och viktigaste lagen om välstånd De som snabbt lär sig denna lag och börjar träna, kommer att bli rikliga mycket snabbt. Jag kommer att prata mer om räddning och meditation på välstånd i framtida kapitel. De flesta hus har grund, väggar, golv och tak. Min framgångsrika Forex trading struktur har också grund, väggar, golv och tak Väggarna och golvet i min forexstruktur är pengarhantering och handelspsykologi Taket är olika handelsstrategier. Gör inget misstag om det. I framtida kapitel kommer jag att dela med dig de flesta saker jag vet om pengarhantering och Handelspsykologi Jag kommer också att dela med dig de flesta framgångsrika handelsstrategierna som jag vet Men det viktigaste jag kan lära dig är grunden för min valutahandel st ruktur, som ger åtminstone 10 till välgörenhet, men efter att ha blivit miljonär har jag givit mer än 50, och jag rekommenderar att du gör detsamma när du når miljonärstatusen. Jag var en gång inbjuden till en stor middag med en berömd författare Mark Victor Hansen Han och Jack Canfield startade en serie böcker kallad Chicken Soup for Soul, som sålde drygt 100 miljoner exemplar och blev den 2 bästsäljare någonsin Den enda boken som sålde fler exemplar var den heliga bibeln som jag var Mycket förvånad över att höra från Mark Victor Hansen hur Jack och han kämpade författare tills någon gav dem råd för att börja ge 10 av deras inkomster. De började göra det, fick tanken på Chicken Soup for Soul och blev framgångsrik mycket snabbt. När författarna Försök att ta reda på Marks hemliga för framgång, säger han alltid att den 1 hemligheten av hans framgång är tionde Mark Victor Hansen skrev även en bok med titusmirakel Precis som jag säger att tionde är grunden till min forex framgång Mark Victor Hansen säger att tionde är grunden till hans framgång som bästsäljande författare Såvitt jag vet, så snart han blev framgångsrik, ökade hans uppgift till mycket mer än 10. Om du någonsin läste den bästsäljande boken om pengar Rich Pappa, dålig pappa, där Robert Kiyosaki delar saker som fattiga föräldrar inte lär sina barn, tionde ger 10, är ​​en av de sakerna Kanske borde du också läsa om en miljardär Richard Branson, ägare till Virgin Airlines, för att bara upptäcka Det som ger till välgörenhet är också hörnstenen till hans framgång. Kanske borde jag också nämna den berömda forexinvesteraren George Soros, vars framgång också grundar sig på att ge eller hur är det med pionjären för högavkastningsfonder Sir John Marks Templeton, som säger efter Hjälpa hundratusentals familjer med sina investeringar har jag inte hittat någon bättre investering än tionde jag själv har försökt att donera, för varje dollar jag spenderar, tio dollar till orsaker som främjar välstånd och andlighet . Jag hörde en gång om en väldigt framgångsrik näringsidkare med namnet Gary, som gjorde miljontals miljoner, och som hjälpte hundratals om inte tusentals vanliga människor skulle gå i pension genom handel. Denna kille var en hard core kristen, och en gång gjorde han en förmögenhet Bestämde han sig för att dela med sig av vad han vet om handel med andra genom att ge fria seminarier i sin stad. När jag fick veta om honom började han ladda lite avgift för sina seminarier, för att han mer än en gång blev förolämpad av vissa människor som var Deltog i sina fria seminarier och handlade fortfarande som han är skyldig dem något. Eftersom jag inte kunde delta i ett seminarium köpte jag en inspelning av en på CD-skivor, jag betalade några hundra dollar för två tjocka böcker och förmodligen 30 eller 40 CD-skivor om inte mer Priset att jag betalade för vad jag fick var ett skämt. Det var överlägset den mest omfattande nyckelfärdiga kursen jag någonsin köpt. Men vad imponerade mig mest var vad den här killen sa i mitten av sin kurs. Det var något som här. Om du är Fortfarande bruten, det beror på att y Ou ger inte tillräckligt Jag läser hela bibeln och det finns bara en passage i hela bibeln där Gud gör ett löfte och vågar dig prova honom på det löfte. Det är denna passage. Ta hela tienden i förrådshuset, så att det kan finnas Mat i mitt hus Testa mig i det här säger Herren, den allsmäktige, och se om jag inte kommer att kasta himmelens flodgaller och hälla ut så mycket välsignelse att du inte kommer att få tillräckligt med utrymme för det Då berättar Gary-killen människor som ger av 10 tionde är hörnstenen i hans handelssucces och han försöker övertyga dem om att detta är det viktigaste som de ska göra i sin handel. Jag kommer att berätta mer om den här killen Gary och hans kurs i kapitel 5. Du ser där Är en gren av modern psykologi som kallas miljöpsykologi. Och det kom till en enkel slutsats att varje sak i vår miljö har en tendens att programmera vårt undermedvetna sinne. Låt oss nu analysera den 1 sak som vår miljö programmerar oss för genom att titta på vårKroppar Först producerar faderns kropp spermier. Det tar ungefär 72 dagar för en manlig kropp att producera spermier. Under denna produktion tas det bästa av allt från mankroppen och ges till den sperma dig. Så slutar spermierna i kroppen av mamman som ger det bästa av vad det har fått i mer än 9 månader Då kommer barnet ut ur moderns livmoder och det växer genom att absorbera solljus och förbrukar otaliga växter av växter och djur som ges till det gratis av naturen Den här miljön av ovillkorliga förutsättningar att vi växte upp i program var och en av oss till ovillkorligt att ge. Och sådan programmering är inte för svår att testa. Föreställ dig en generös person, och du kommer självklart att känna sympati mot honom eller henne. Föreställ dig en girig person och du kommer att ha en tendens att inte tycka om honom eller henne. Du ser att du redan är programmerad av naturen för att ge regelbundet och ovillkorligt, och varje dag på denna planet lägger till den programmeringen. Om du inte ger regelbundet och uncondi Tionellt sett lever du mot din egen tro och ditt undermedvetna fortsätter att sabotera dig När du ser en nästan perfekt handelsmöjlighet, kommer din undermedvetna att berätta att du inte förtjänar denna handel, för att du är en självisk och girig bastard och Du kommer bli rädd och inte gå in i handeln Eller när det är uppenbarligen ett köp kommer ditt undermedvetna att lura dig att tro att det är sålt och du kommer att förlora pengar. Ditt program säger att du ska ge regelbundet och ovillkorligt, men det gör du inte är disharmoni Du kan arbeta med din rump och samla mycket rikedom, men din hälsa kommer att gå, eller din familj kommer att gå. Denna harmoniseringslag påverkar din förmåga att samla rikedom, men det går också mycket djupare än att du kan bli rik, men Lever fortfarande i stor disharmoni Du kan inte ändra det här programmet om villkorslöst, oavsett hur svårt du försöker Det enda du kan ändra är att börja ge regelbundet och ovillkorligt Börja med 10 och öka som du känner är app ropriate och ditt liv börjar bli mer harmoniskt varje dag. Det kommer att spridas till din förmåga att tjäna pengar, men det kommer också att spridas till alla andra delar av ditt liv. I början av 2007 började jag ta med privata yogalektioner. Killen som lärde mig att jag verkligen kämpade ekonomiskt Hans passion var att lära yoga, men han kämpade för att tjäna tillräckligt med pengar för hyra och mat, så han var tvungen att komma in i hypotekstransaktionen och skulle också få ett jobb att sälja skor. Han visste att jag tjäna mycket pengar och han visste också att jag kör ett live Forex trading rum där jag delar mina exakta poster och utgångar och folk kan tjäna pengar genom att kopiera mina affärer Jag har inte längre sådant rum Han bad mig att ge honom fri tillgång till det här tradingrummet, så gjorde jag också, men jag berättade också för honom att min hemlighet med stor ekonomisk framgång har mycket lite att göra med handel men har mycket att göra med tionde ger 10 jag övertygade honom om att börja donera 10 från varje dollar Han gör innan skatt han började göra detta, och efter några månader hade han på något sätt bra idéer, plus några nya privata studenter kom ut ur ingenstans, plus han erbjöds ett jobb på någon yogastudio, för att göra den långa historien kort, slutade han göra allt annat och kunde att tjäna mer pengar än tidigare bara genom att undervisa yoga Detta är ett exempel på harmoni som jag pratar om och din harmoni kan inte ha något med forexhandel att göra. Du kan börja tionde i hopp om att bli en framgångsrik Forex-handlare, bara för att inse att Det är inte din sanna ringer och du kommer att hitta stor framgång i det du är tänkt att göra. Under 2009 samtalade jag med en vän som ägde två fysiska tidningar, som vid en tid var mycket framgångsrika men nu knappt var så att han skulle gräva sig så han var tvungen att gräva in i sitt sparkonto varje månad för att överleva och det gjorde honom väldigt nervös. Han visste att jag var väldigt rik och frågade mig om hur han kunde tjäna lite pengar, så jag sa han som han behöver för att börja tionde ger 10 han berättade mig att han inte gör pengar och bara spenderar sina besparingar, så hur kunde han träna tionde jag frågade honom hur mycket pengar han spenderar ut ur sina besparingar varje månad och han berättade för mig att det är ungefär 5000 så jag berättade för honom att donera 10 från varje dollar som han tar ut ur sitt sparkonto Han bad mig att rekommendera honom en välgörenhet, så jag rekommenderade Medan jag fortfarande var där gick han till deras hemsida och donerade 500 och han sa att han skulle donera ytterligare 500 nästa månad Efter ca två månader kallade han mig och berättade att han inte kunde tro på vad som händer. Han sa att vissa annonsörer dykt upp ur ingenstans, och för första gången under en mycket lång tid gav hans tidningar en vinst på omkring 5.000, som betalade för hans utgifter den månaden. Plus några personer uttryckte stort intresse för att köpa sin tidningsaffär, som han försökt sälja en stund. För några år sedan fanns det en stor bärhandel, där yenen fick mycket av Styrka mycket snabbt GBP JPY gick ner med mer än 2000 pips på mindre än 36 timmar och så småningom sjönk med totalt cirka 9 000 pips. Den dag det hände var jag lång GBP JPY, och jag var tvungen att vakna runt klockan 4 45 för att handla någon rapport klockan 5 30 på Los Angeles-tidpunkten Vid en tidpunkt öppnade jag mina ögon och såg att klockan visade runt klockan 4 35 eller så bestämde jag mig för att vakna, men jag kände mig så trött, som jag försökte lyfta min kropp ut ur sängen, jag spontant somnade utan att märka och hade en väldigt levande och verklig dröm om att jag gick ut ur sängen och kom till min dator och märkte att tiden är runt 4 50 och det faktiska numret för rapport som skulle komma ut vid 5 30 är redan upplagt Det var en otillbörlig match, då insåg jag att jag drömde, så jag försökte komma tillbaka i min kropp för att vakna upp, jag öppnade fysiskt mina ögon, Och försökte gå ut ur sängen, men då hände samma sak, jag kom igen ur sängen och gick till min dator, för att inse att jag är i reklam ream Jag försökte återigen komma in i min kropp och vakna fysiskt bara för att uppleva exakt samma sak Så jag trodde att jag kanske behöver lära mig lite lektion i den här drömmen innan jag får vakna, så jag bad om att bli visad Vad lektionen var såg jag genast en japansk utseende kille som visade mig ett diagram för GBP JPY och jag såg en stor pigg ner på det här paret från 240 nivå till cirka 219 nivå Så fort jag såg och minns detta diagram var jag able to wake up, so I came up to my computer, and logged into my live trading room, where more than 300 people were waiting for me to do a possible trade on the economic report at 5 30 am I told everyone that I had a dream that GBP JPY will possibly have a huge drop soon, so I am closing my GBP JPY long position The GBP JPY dropped just few hours later I believe the reason I was warned like this is because of my tithing I simply didn t deserve to lose that big, and Cosmic Consciousness did everything to warn me I received few other similar trad ing-related dreams and visions before and after this incident. In November of 2007, I decided to share my wealth secrets with people So I rented a huge party boat that holds 400 people I paid around 30,000 for this boat for one evening, and told my subscribers that if they had at least 30,000 in savings, and were already saving at least 1,500 per month, I could teach them a forex trading system that would turn them into millionaires in 3 years or less I did not ask for any money to teach them, I simply told them to donate between 500 and 1,000 to a charity that plants trees So around 200 people made the donations and came to this boat seminar During this seminar, I told them about the importance of tithing, and few other things I also told them that in addition to tithing they should read certain economic reports every week, and after a while of doing this, they would have a very good feel of the 8 major currencies, and they would be able to determine which currency is weakest, which is strongest, and match the two, in order to make profitable trades What ended up happening is that I was out - 30,000 for the boat rental, they were out between 500 to 1,000 in tax-deductible donations, plus traveling expenses, the charity received more than 100,000 in donations, and after the seminar I realized that many people were very disappointed with the information, and some people even turned from liking me into hating me They just couldn t dig the 10 giving thing, which was what I mostly came there to share with them I tried to make up for their disappointment, and created and emailed them a video recording with more detailed instructions on how to read the economic reports every week, but I still think it was too abstract, and was not able to heal the wounds of disappointment I made a major mistake by promising something this big, but if only they listened, and started giving 10 or more regularly, and started to read the economic reports weekly that I suggested, my experience with myself and others suggests that those who had 100,000 at that time would most likely already have over 1,000,000 just 3 years later that is if they really wanted to have 1,000,000, and had that specific goal Please don t make the same mistake that most of them did Start giving 10 today, and you will prosper. Suggested Action Make a 6-months tithing experiment Calculate 10 from your gross before-tax income, and give it to a charity of your choice every time you get paid These 10 should be your first payment before anything else If you are living from your savings or you can t calculate your income, start giving 10 of the amount you spend every month After 6-months, make a note of how your life improved, and if you are not impressed with the results, then stop tithing, and join some others in the I-Hate-Scammer-Felix club. Most businesses are built around serving people, so if you serve your customers well, you may still prosper even without tithing, but remember that in forex trading , you serve nobody, and unless you make an opening of at least 10 in your trading account that will benefit a charity, your success will be extremely difficult to achieve, because as a rule, great financial abundance is a result of great service to large number of people If you do not give 10 , you may still succeed in forex at the expense of great loss of time and energy, but this great loss of time and energy may take away great chunks from your health and from your relationships, and thus your happiness Remember that you are programmed to give regularly and unconditionally, and every day that programming becomes more solidified, if you don t start living in accordance with this program, you will be living a broken and disharmonious life. If you think that you can t afford to give 10 , think of it this way if you had a business with a 50 50 partner, and the business only gave a profit of 5,000, but your personal bills were 3,500, you would still have to pay your partner 2,500 before p aying your bills Similarly, give 10 of your pay check, even if your bills are higher Life will work out without these 10 , it always does - Give only to people and charities that you have no personal relationship with Helping relatives and friends is good, but it should be done outside of this initial tithe. Your Comments I wish to make the discussion under this chapter about tithing giving of 10 If you already realized this law, and practice this law of giving 10 , please share your story with as many details as you can Reply With Quote. Chapter 3 The Holy Grail System That Can Take You From 0 to 1 Million Very Quickly - 04-22-2010, 06 25 PM So we continue to build the foundation for our financial fortress, and this chapter is the continuation of Chapter 2, so please read Chapter 2 before reading this one. In Chapter 2, the focus of the discussion was on the importance of giving money in order to succeed as forex traders In this chapter, we will focus on the discussion of saving money Af ter all, if you look all around us, the entire nature is one efficient system of taking, preserving, and giving back Look at a tree it first takes in nutrients and water from the Earth, it stores it in its trunk, and then uses the stored nutrients and water to grow leaves and bear fruit Or a bear who eats as much as it can during summer, and uses all of its preserved fat during winter in order to survive All of such things in nature program our subconscious mind to do the same take, preserve, and give back, and if we don t do it, we live in disharmony with our own subconscious programming, and this disharmony makes it hard for us to succeed. As you may remember, in chapter 2, I talked about 3 things that the very wealthy and wise man taught me The second thing was saving 30 I never used the 30 portion of the advice, because I found it impractical After all, how can you save 30 if you barely have enough money for food and rent At the same time, why would you save only 30 if your income i s 15,000 per month, and your living expenses are only 3,000 per month So basically I just gave the 10 , and saved as much as I could Yes, I went from 0 to 1 million in less than 3 years, but I was single and very ambitious to get rich, and I really worked my ass off You ll understand what I mean by working my ass off as I start sharing with you in future chapters some of the trading strategies I used Your ambition is probably weaker than mine, and most likely you will work a lot less than me, so you ll still become a millionaire if you really want to, but it will probably take you a bit longer. In this chapter, I wish to talk about the system of giving and saving money, which I learned from a very wise man I learned it in 2007, and the man I learned it from is not the same man I mentioned in Chapter 2 I call this system the holy grail, because I ve never found a better money management system than this one By definition, the holy grail is a forever lost sacred cup, which has miraculous powers The symbol of a cup is certainly appropriate to a system that saves money, and I feel that this system indeed has miraculous powers, because in 2008, I taught it to a friend of mine, who started using it At the time, this friend lived in Los Angeles, had a family of 4, and was making only 4,000 per month 4,000 is not a whole lot of money if you live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, having to support 4 people But still this guy managed to find a way to give 10 , so 400 from his money every month, and he also found a way to give some more and save, in accordance with the holy grail system Now, 2 years later, his income is at around 30,000 per month, and is growing very steadily He also has a lot of money in his savings account, and he is definitely on a sure path to becoming a millionaire in the next 2 years or even earlier As his income went up, his giving went up too, so now he gives almost as much as he was making 2 years ago Do not underestimate the power of g iving the 10 from your gross income. You see, when I was about 17 years old, I was attending a high school business class, and the teacher who taught the class was encouraging everyone to save 20 per day for the rest of our lives, and if we did that, and invested it into a savings account at some low rate of 4 or 5 , the teacher was showing us calculations that within 40 years, we would be able to retire as millionaires 40 years is a VERY LONG time for me I went from 0 to 1 million in less than 3 years by using the principles that I am teaching you My friend who practices the holy grail system will probably go from 0 to 1 million in less than 4 years, and that s given the fact that now he has a family of 5, and he is the only one who brings money into the house So I think that if I say that if you continue to give 10 from your gross income, and start saving in accordance with the holy grail system, you probably have a very good shot at becoming a millionaire within 7 years, and I am bei ng very conservative with this estimate Whether it takes you 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 years to achieve this goal, in my opinion such time frame compared with 40 years, estimated by my professor, qualifies to be called very quick. Rule of 1000 The wise man who taught me the holy grail system told me about a certain rule, which applies to our time and age It is called the Rule of 1000, and this rule is simply that the amount of money we make per hour is approximately equal to the amount in our savings account, divided by 1000 So if one has 100,000 in his savings account, he will probably be making approximately 100 per hour This rule only applies to people who give 10 regularly I do not know how he came up with this idea, but I noticed on myself and other people that it really works pretty darn close And it makes sense, because our savings account is a big part of our environment, and the more money we have in it, the bigger we are able to think, and this bigger thinking attracts completely diffe rent money making opportunities than when we have no savings. So here is how you use the holy grail system First of all up to 1,000,000, you must donate 10 of your gross income to a charity of your choice Above 1,000,000, you must donate 50 of your gross income to a charity of your choice This is the way I was taught this system, and this is the way I am teaching it to you Since in 2007 I was already a millionaire, I started donating 50 of my gross income, and I continue to do that. The forward donations in this holy grail system are in addition to the 10 before 1 million and 50 after 1 million. So, take 10 sheets of paper, and divide each sheet into 100 squares On the first sheet, write the following Forward Donation 100, Goal 1,000, Each Unit 10 On the second sheet Forward Donation 250, Goal 2,500, Each Unit 25 On the third sheet Forward Donation 500, Goal 5,000, Each Unit 50 On the fourth sheet Forward Donation 1,000, Goal 10,000, Each Unit 100 On the fifth page Forward Donation 2,500, Goal 25,000, Each Unit 250 On the sixth page Forward Donation 5,000, Goal 50,000, Each Unit 500 On the seventh page Forward Donation 10,000, Goal 100,000, Each Unit 1,000 On the eighth page Forward Donation 25,000, Goal 250,000, Each Unit 2,500 On the ninth page Forward Donation 50,000, Goal 500,000, Each Unit 5,000 On the tenth page Forward Donation 100,000, Goal 1,000,000, Each Unit 10,000.Put all of these 10 pages into one binder, starting with page number one and ending with page number ten Each page will have 100 squares, and you have 10 pages in the binder, so you will have 1000 squares total. If you currently have no money in savings, you start by forward donating 100 to a charity of your choice Then your goal is to save 1,000 in units of 10, and fill out the 100 squares on the first page, by writing 10 in each square Make it a point to save at least 10 every day Once you fill out the first page, you will have 1,000 in your savings From that 1,000, and nowhere else, take 250, an d donate it to a charity of your choice You will have 750 left in your savings Move to the 2,500 sheet with each unit being 25 Fill out the first 30 units, since you have 750, and 30x25 750 Then continue saving and filling out remaining 70 units Once you have 2,500, take 500 from this amount, and no other place, and donate this 500 to a charity of your choice You will have 2,000 left, so go to page three with 5,000 goal, and units of 50 Fill out the first 40 squares, since 40x 50 2,000 Continue to save and continue to fill out the remaining 60 units of 50 each, until you have 5,000 Keep repeating this process, until you hit the 1,000,000 goal. Make it a point to go steady and fill out at least 30 or 31 squares per month, depending on how many days that month has, of course for February it would be 28 or 29 You can fill them all out in one day, or you can do it one per day, or few every few days, et cetera If you are particularly ambitious and you have the ability to put a bit more at th e end of the month, then absolutely and definitely do it The guy who uses this system and who went from 4K to now around 30K couldn t fathom how making only 4,000 per month, he would be able to one day save 500 or 1,000 per day, and be able to do it every single day But somehow his income magically increased as he was practicing this system, and he was able to fill out one square every single day, until he hit the goal of 1,000 per day When he hit that, he had to slow down, so he started to put 1,000 a bit less frequently. Do not try to look at this system logically, and do not think that as you progress your income will remain the same as it is now Remember the Rule of 1000 and remember the amazing principle of giving, which will create harmony in your subconscious Simply be ready for the unexpected income opportunities coming into your life, and take advantage of them when they arise. If you already have some money in your savings, your first page will be with the amount above your sav ings amount, and your tenth page will be whatever it is So for example, let s say you currently have 75,000 in your savings You start with a page of 100,000 with each unit being 1,000 Your 2nd page will be 250,000, 3rd 500,000, 4th 1,000,000, 5th 2,500,000, 6th 5 million, 7th 10 million, 8th 25 million, 9th 50 million, 10th 100 million No matter what your savings amount is, make sure to create 10 pages not more not less , using the same logic of increase So you start with the first page of 100,000 with each unit of 1,000 Donate 10,000 from your savings of 75,000, and you will have 65,000 left, so fill out 65 squares Work on putting away money and filling out the remaining 35 squares Then go to 250,000 page, and continue the process with forward donation, et cetera. You may have some savings now, but donating 10 towards the next amount in the holy grail might be too big of a step for your mind If such is the case, just keep your current savings separate from the holy grail system, and st art the holy grail with 1,000, keeping and growing this money separately from what you already have. Here is the front of my binder with my 10 pages my wife made this drawing, but you don t have to have a drawing on yours. Here is one of my still empty goal pages in my holy grail system I actually used lined paper for my holy grail, and instead of using 10 separate sheets, I used 5 sheets, and simply used both sides of each sheet You can of course make yours look much nicer with paper without lines When it comes to holy grail, I like to draw the lines by hand I feel that it puts more of my energy into it But if you make it on computer and print it, I don t think it will make that much difference in the result Each square on mine is 1 5 centimeters by 1 5 centimeters As you get into 1,000 and above per square, you can just write 1K, 2 5K, 10K, et cetera If you get into millions, you can write 1M, 2 5M, 10M, et cetera You don t need to write the whole number with many zeroes. Rule of 10 In addition to the rules of the system described above, you must observe one simple universal rule as you practice it, which is called Rule of 10 This universal rule states that what you spend on others must be more than what you spend on yourself and your family What does it mean in practical terms Let s say that now you are making about 3,000, donating 300, your family spends around 2,500 per month, and you are spending the rest of 200 on donations and savings in the holy grail As your savings starts growing, your income will start growing, so after a couple of years, you find yourself with 100,000 in savings, making 20,000 per month This means that you are donating 2,000 per month as your 10 , and still spending around 2,500 per month on your family The question comes of whether you should move into a bigger house, which would increase your spending from 2,500 to 5,000 The answer is you definitely shouldn t You must stay in your crappy home and continue to live modestly, until your inc ome increases to let s say 51,000 per month At that point, you will be donating 10 , so 5,100 per month to charities, and thus you can spend under that amount on yourself To spend less on yourself and more on others is your ultimate goal, which holy grail will help you to achieve, but you don t have to be paranoid about it Go ahead, take your family to a nice restaurant or vacation, go ahead buy yourself a more reliable car Be practical Work towards closing this spending giving gap and reversing it, but it doesn t have to happen overnight Live comfortably, but don t overspend without necessity Perhaps it becomes necessary for you to move to a better house in a better neighborhood before this gap is closed Consider moving from let s say a 1,500 month house to a 2,500 month house, instead of into a 5,000 one right away Again, be practical about this, but as much as possible start working towards equalizing your giving to others with spending on your family, and eventually reversing it, s o that you give to others much more than you spend on yourself and your family. Who made up this rule of 10, and why should you follow it According to this wise man who taught me the holy grail system, this rule is programmed into the design of our human body You see, trees have branches above and below The branches below are called roots, and they take in energy from the Earth The branches above are called branches, and they give energy back into the Earth by bearing fruits and leaves, which benefit other beings and the Earth itself Humans also have branches above and below The branches below are our feet with 10 toes, which take in energy from the Earth The branches above are our arms and hands with 10 fingers We use hands to give The fingers on our hands are much longer than toes on our feet, so we are meant to give more to others than we spend on ourselves and our families When we spend more on ourselves than on others, we are going against our own design and program, and thus live in disharmony As soon as we can get into such harmony, we ll automatically become happy on all levels, mental, emotional, and physical It s that simple, and if you study lives of many saints, this is exactly how they lived, and because of such living enjoyed inner peace and complete satisfaction in life We do not need to renounce the world and money in order to achieve similar results, we simply need to become masters of the energy of money by overcoming emotions of greed and fear that it comes with, and the only way to overcome those emotions is through giving.10 toes and 10 fingers is the reason why this rule is called rule of 10 The 10 toes and 10 fingers also have relationship to the design of the holy grail system After all, you do it in multiples of 10 sheets 10 goals at a time. Magic of 100 You will notice that every sheet in the holy grail system consists of 100 squares, so you are saving each goal amount in units, divided by 100 This is no accident either Such way of saving is based upon 3 important ratios, which heavily affect our subconscious mind First of all, Earth revolves approximately 365 times in one orbit of the Sun, while Earth is approximately 3 65 times larger than the Moon The difference is 100 times Second of all, the Moon takes 27 32 days to orbit the Earth, and is 0 2732 of Earth s size The difference is 100 times Third of all, the Sun is approximately 109 3 times bigger than the moon, while the circumference of the Moon is 10,930 kilometers The difference is 100 times. In addition to all of this, you have to remember that when it comes to forex, in one dollar, there are 100 pennies, and in one penny, there are 100 pips. The people in our environment have tremendous effect on our subconscious, and what is to say of Moon, Sun, and other planets Their relative sizes and ratios not only affect, but shape our minds The ratios mentioned above are one of the reasons why our entire holy grail system consists of goals, that are divided into 100 units e ach, and saving in such way is in great harmony with our programming, and thus the results are quite magical. Written Word When you think of something, it s powerful When you speak it, it s even more powerful When you write it, it s explosive When you write it in accordance with certain cosmic ratios and laws, it s nuclear In my childhood, I knew this one particular guy, who was a bit older than me When he turned 18, it was time for him to go to the Russian army, which is mandatory The guy had perfect health and perfect heart, so there was no way to get excused from the army His father didn t want him to go, and he didn t want to go, so they bought a fake medical exam, which showed that this guy had a heart problem This way he became excused from the army and never went 2 years later, this guy died of a heart attack Regardless of his perfect heart, it deteriorated based on what was written in the medical exam Do not underestimate the power of the written word and written goals, especial ly if your goals are written and being worked towards using sacred cosmic ratios and laws, such as in the holy grail system But do not get too excited about these ratios either Giving is the fuel, if you don t do it, these ratios won t count for almost anything So 10 of your gross income before you have 1 million in your holy grail, and 50 of your gross income after you have 1 million in your holy grail This is in addition to the forward donations of the holy grail. No holes If you leave a bucket hanging outside while it rains, it will become filled with water and when you wake up in the morning, you can use the water If the bucket has even a small hole, you will wake up in the morning, and will find the bucket completely empty Your holy grail savings is like this bucket It must not have any holes You must vow not to touch money in your holy grail under no circumstances If you have an emergency, borrow money, and repay it later, but don t use the money from your holy grail savings This is your golden goose that will lay the golden eggs Invest your savings only into major currencies, gold, and silver Do not invest it into stocks Do not invest it into real estate Do not open forex trading accounts with it Stocks are risky Look at one of the most liquid stocks AIG Two years ago, it was trading at around 1,500, now it s trading at around 40 Real estate is safer, but it s not liquid enough You can use other money to invest into stocks You can use other money to invest into real estate You can use other money to open forex trading accounts You can use the profit from investing your savings to do all of that, but not the actual savings Do not use leverage when investing your holy grail savings It is against natural flow of things, and you will lose your money I made many investments in my life All of them were profitable, except two Those two are the only ones where I used 2 1 leverage You can use leverage on your trading account, but not on your savings Do not get greedy Y our job is to take care of your golden goose, not stick it with steroids, so that it could produce more eggs If you stick it with steroids, it will get sicker and smaller, and will not lay eggs at all, until you stop Leverage is the steroids that I am talking about If you do it for too long, it will die If you wish, you could sometimes reduce your holy grail savings by donating your money, but this is the only hole allowed, and even this one is not recommended, except for the 10 forward donations The bigger your savings, the bigger will be your income, and the more you will be able to donate from your income, especially once your donations go up to 50 This is much wiser than reducing your savings with your donations, and thus killing future donations. Taxes As you get richer, you will have to pay more in taxes Accept it as a fact and pay them I have one particular friend who made very little money before, and his taxes were next to nothing Then he started to become wealthy, and his taxe s increased to around 100,000 per year Greed took him over, and he said that he must reduce his taxes The only way to reduce taxes in most countries is to increase your spending So this guy wants to sell his 350,000 comfortable condo, and get into a much bigger debt by buying a 750,000 house, which he really doesn t need All of this in depreciating real estate market, just to reduce his taxes He figured that this way, instead of paying 30,000 per year in mortgage and property taxes, he will pay 65,000 per year in mortgage and property taxes, and this way will have to pay less to the government in income tax. When changing your house, you must remember that for the first 5 years, most of the money you make in mortgage payments on new house will go towards the interest and not equity, so for a while, you ll be making payments into thin air Also remember that you will right away lose 10 on selling your house in repairs, realtor commissions, and closing costs in some cases You will also los e some amount in buying a new house If you happen to buy new house first, it can take you many months to sell your old house, and you will waste lots of money in useless mortgage payments on it. You see, greed blinds people, so most rational people start making very irrational decisions Let s say you made 300,000 in one year, and your tax-deductible spendings are 100,000 So you pay 40 tax on 200,000 net income, and you have 120,000 left over that you could put into savings This money in your savings will allow you to think bigger and make more money next year In addition to that, the difference between your high income and low spending will provide a cozy feeling of financial security But let s say the same person who made 300,000, increased his tax-deductible spendings to 200,000 So he has 100,000 left over, and after paying his 40 tax, he has 60,000 left over in savings That s twice less Many people are bad at math and they treat tax deduction in the same way as tax credit They don t understand that every time you spend more in order to increase your tax-deductible spendings, you indeed save 40 from your taxes, but the other 60 goes directly out of your savings And in addition to this, because of this stupid greed to pay a tax, people decrease the difference between what they make and what they spend, thus feeling more nervous, and this nervousness in addition to decreased savings kills their income Plus if you say that you are not willing to pay to the government more than 100,000, that means that your subconscious will never allow you to make a million, because from a million, you ll have to pay even more in taxes When your tax bill comes, and it s much higher than last year, celebrate It simply means that you made a lot more money As the biblical saying goes Give to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar. Real Estate I was talking to this one guy once, whose net worth was about 60 million As he was getting richer, he did not know what to do with his money, so he sta rted buying houses in different places His houses indeed increased in value and thus increased his net worth, but he told me that it was a very bad way to invest, no matter of the returns He said that owning all of these houses turned his life into a nightmare It wasn t an investment but a job, even if you use property management companies He learned his mistakes and was selling most of his real estate, putting his money into liquid assets Remember one thing, everything you buy that s physical requires maintenance And the maintenance is not only physical, but also mental Every single thing you own occupies a space in your mind, and your thinking becomes less efficient This is why I only own one shirt and one pants, and when I have to wash them, I walk around half-naked You do not have to go to that extreme, but you absolutely must eliminate all of the useless things from your life Give them away, throw them away, the fewer useless things you have, the more efficiently your mind will op erate, and abundance gets attracted to efficiency, and avoids all inefficiencies If you are a pack-rat, or in other terms if you suffer from compulsive hoarding, it will greatly slow down your financial progress. But to go back to real estate, it s not really a form of investment, but a job. Most of 2005, while I was still learning to trade forex, I was doing real estate I had a partner who had over 100 properties all within a 100 miles radius My job was to do all the leg work in finding good deals for flipping purposes, and his job was to put up the money and expertise into each deal We divided profits 50 50 He was a really good guy, and I enjoyed his company immensely and learned a lot from him This guy s net worth was well over 10 million, and he called himself a real estate investor, and yet he had to work on his investments about 60 hours per week, and taking a 2-week vacation was almost an unthinkable thing for him At one point of my life, I closely studied the life of Donald Trump , I read his biography and attended his speech He is one of the most successful real estate investors in the world His life was no different He was a total slave of his assets without having anybody whom he could trust to take over his position and give him some room to breathe The point I am trying to make here is that you should keep your holy grail savings in digital assets, not physical Our ignorant minds think that physical is safer, but it s not Nobody can vandalize your digital savings, but yourself Physical assets will enslave you Real estate can be a profitable job, but not a way to invest and remain free. Debt do not let your debt stop you from putting money into your holy grail savings You see in 2004, before I was trading forex successfully, and when I hardly had any money, I made a deal with a guy whom I knew well and with whom I ve done a lot of business before This guy said that he has a container of remote control golf carts coming They were selling on ebay for around 50 0, and he said that he could sell them to me for around 200 We agreed that I would sell about 150 of these carts, send him 30,000 for them, and he would drop ship them to the customers Since I ve done hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of business with this guy before, I trusted him and accepted his proposal I had two friends that sold things on ebay at that time, so I told them that if they wished, they could sell the carts for 50 of my profit, but the money would be collected into my paypal account So they agreed We received around 75,000 in revenue for the golf carts I sent 30,000 to this guy, gave 22,500 to my friends, and had about 22,500 of profit left The only problem is that this guy disappeared and never sent anything to the people So here I was with 22,500 of almost the only cash I had, and 75,000 in debt, owed not to one person but to 150 different people Of course, I didn t ask my partners to return to me the 22,500, because the deal with my provider was my responsibili ty. I knew one simple spiritual law, which says that what you focus on expands Focusing on the debt wouldn t be productive What I needed to focus on was making money, donating, and saving money So I decided that I will assign 20 of my income to repaying this debt, and will pay it with that money By assigning a fixed percentage such as 20 would allow me to pay it without thinking about it all the time The rest of the money is mine to give, spend, and save I did not apply 22,500 to the debt, but kept it So what I did is I added 10 in addition to what I owed to every customer for interest and inconvenience, and I sent them emails, explaining what happened to me I told them that I have very little money and I do not know when I will have more, but I also told them that I have assigned a portion of my income to repaying their debt, and every month I will be sending them a check Even if the check were for 1, I would still send it, just to show that I am here and committed to paying off the de bt Of course many people moaned, groaned, and threatened me with lawsuits, but I ignored their threats, moaning, and groaning, I just started sending them checks, which in the beginning were at around 10 Seeing even such small amounts coming in regularly, all of the people came down and stopped bothering me I kept sending them checks every month, and it kept them calm Because of regular donating of 10 , and focusing on my savings, I was able to pay them all back within one year. Try to do something similar with your debt, if you have any I know that dealing with institutions is different I never had credit card debt on my name, but I know how things work with it If I were in big credit card debt, which were choking me, I would stop paying them all, and would simply start putting away 20 assigned for paying off debt As the money would accumulate, I would pay off one card at a time, starting from smallest I know that most of them would add huge penalties and interest by that time, but aft er you don t pay them for 6 months or longer, they ll usually wave it, and settle the debt for principal or even less This would ruin your credit history, but who needs it anyway You only need it to get credit cards You don t even need it to buy real estate When buying real estate, you could always find owners who would sell you the house and finance it, even if your credit history is terrible, as long as you have down payment and income that can make monthly payments Basically you don t need your credit history, if you are an honest person and even if you need to borrow money for something else, you could find individuals that will lend it to you But as soon as you stop making payments on your credit cards, make sure to keep your money either in offshore bank account or at home, because these creditors can get a court order and forcefully take money from your bank account without you knowing it It happened to one of my friends in the United States. Giving When you start to practice giv ing 10 from your income, and in addition to that, giving forward donations for your holy grail system, some people will tell you that you are doing an unholy thing, because you give with an expectation to get something back These people have a point You see, when you give completely unconditionally without expecting to get anything back, you get heavenly reward in the form of inner peace and complete satisfaction When you give to a charity with intention to get your reward in the form of money, you are trading in this inner peace and complete satisfaction for a monetary return of more than 1000 on your giving When you give to a charity, with the intention of gaining publicity, your reward is publicity, so no 1000 return for you When you give to friends and relatives, it is very good, but it shouldn t count into your 10 or holy grail forward giving, because you have certain responsibilities to help your friends and relatives anyway, so you are not really giving, but fulfilling your duty. True unconditional giving is only to people that you don t know and have no obligations to, and hopefully you can give in such way that they get the benefit without knowing who is responsible for it Keep it as secret as possible Giving is like trading forex, the more you do it, the better you become at it Most people do not have the capacity to start giving without expecting anything back, but in time, after many months of giving, that capacity will naturally develop Do not feel guilty about using your giving merit for getting 1000 return, because as you get richer, you will be helping more people, and after a while, giving will become your second nature, so you won t even think about getting anything back when you do it I now give 50 of my monthly income, and when it comes time to give, I just do it to a cause that inspires me, and I do it almost absentmindedly, in the same way as I would pay 50 to a physical partner Everything will come in due time, including holiness Just keep givi ng, regardless of your intentions. Another important point should be made It s not so much how much money you give, but how much good your money does If you make donations to your church, and the church buys more land for itself or a new car, this obviously won t generate as much merit as if the church fed a thousand genuinely hungry people with your money When you give, it s your responsibility to make sure that your money actually does something good and doesn t just get wasted In spending, you probably usually try to get the biggest bang for your buck It should be no different in giving If making cleft surgeries to children inspires you, give to I ve worked closely with them for a while, and they are very efficient If planting trees inspires you, give to These guys are also extremely efficient I support some others, but I can t recommend them to you, because I know that if they get much more money than I already give them, they will start wasting it Some charities, you must keep on a very short leash, because they get started by people with huge hearts and no business skills, so even if they try hard to make a difference, they can t do it efficiently, simply because they lack the business skill I am sure there are many more very good and very efficient charities Consider attending some of their projects and see how things work, also closely review their books and how they spend the money There is nothing wrong with micromanaging a charity to make sure they spend what you give them on what you think is best. Do not underestimate the power of giving It is the fuel of the holy grail system In chapter 2, I talked about the miracle healer MCKS Many times he would heal people by telling them to give to a cause that bothers them So one time, one person had blood cancer, and he told that person to buy blood for the people that needed it, but couldn t afford it, so the person started doing it Within a short time, the blood cancer disappeared without a trace Another person h ad a stroke and was laying in coma with almost no chance of recovery, so MCKS told the relatives of this person to take this person s money, and donate it to a cause that helps people with strokes After they did it, this person in coma miraculously recovered If you have a problem, it will be natural for you to feel compassion towards people who have the same problem, and donate to that cause In most cases, developing such compassion and acting on it through donations is the only lesson you have to learn from your disease Once you learn it, the disease will disappear Similarly with the disease of poverty and mediocrity, once you go beyond emotions of fear and greed and stop hoarding, the abundance will start flowing towards you The question is how long will it take for you to learn this lesson and open up. Where to keep your holy grail savings First of all, pick a currency that you want to count your money in It can be USD, EUR, CHF, GBP, NZD, AUD, CAD If you live in a country with anoth er currency, still pick one of these major ones, because they are the most stable ones You can even count your money in gold or silver You just have to get creative on how you express it in each unit Counting in JPY is not good, because Japan constantly tries do devalue their currency You can choose USD as your currency, but it doesn t mean that you can t transfer your money into another currency if you think that it has higher potential of appreciating So if the currency of your holy grail is USD, and your money is in CAD, you simply count the equity Sometimes the equity in USD may drop to below of what you have in holy grail, but as soon as it increases by at least one unit, you fill that unit in You don t need to erase numbers in your holy grail sheets, as your equity drops below Simply get it back up, and keep writing new units on the sheet as your savings increases. As your savings are small, you can keep them in cash, but as they get bigger, you ll want to put them in a bank accou nt or at least a safe in some bank For as long as your holy grail savings are below 500,000, it will be a bit inconvenient to manage your money, if you try to keep transferring it between currencies, because many banks will charge you as much as 500 pips to do each transfer That s a loss of 5 on your money right away Or if you try to exchange your money in an airport location or a Western Union, you can lose as much as 10 if not more, just on the exchange You really have to do research on how to convert your money into currencies in the cheapest way possible in case you need to I know offers such service Though I never used it, I assume that it works like this you transfer a sum in one currency from your bank to Oanda They exchange it for perhaps 10 or 20 pips, and transfer it back to your bank in the currency of your choice Most major banks will allow you to keep money in other currencies You just have to find a way to transfer it from one currency into another without having to pay 5 to the bank If you are concerned with keeping your money in your country, because of debt or other issues, or if the banking system in your country is not yet well-developed, I recommend you open an account with Caye Bank in Belize You can open it via mail The minimum deposit is 25,000, and you can keep your money in most major currencies, and make transfers between currencies much cheaper than in most other banks Plus this bank is very stable and is the official bank of the country Their website is. Once your holy grail savings hit 500,000, I recommend opening a Swiss account with Julius Baer, which has a minimum opening deposit of 500K CHF This is the most stable bank I know of They are so conservative that when you have an account with them, they still send you reports of the bank s financials Most banks won t do it, because if you were to see their financials, you d probably want to close your account right away Plus Julius Baer is very aggressive on fees They ll transfer your mone y from one currency into another cheaply, and their custodian fees are quite standard at around 0 5 , so if you have 500,000, they will charge you around 2,500 per year for account maintenance, but you will get a dedicated account rep that will be basically wiping your ass If you want to buy gold and take physical possession of it, they will gladly buy it for you, and put it into a safe in your name, for a fee of course Basically, once you have Swiss bank account, it s an all-in-one financial solution You can buy stocks from anywhere in the world, you can do forex transactions, et cetera The problem is that if you are US citizen or resident, most Swiss banks won t open you an account, because the US government did everything they could to prohibit their citizens or residents to take their money offshore, because once your money is offshore, your government can t control it, and can t take possession of it, unless they can prove that you are a terrorist So if you are a resident or citiz en of US, you can contact I know their website looks like a joke, but I know the owner for a while, and it s a very good and legitimate company What they can do is open you an account with the biggest bank in Monaco, which is CMB Monaco is comparable to Switzerland, and this bank will accept US residents, but only if they come under a roof of a wealth management company You will have to pay 0 5 to Alpen Rose, in addition to 0 7 to CMB The account will be in your name, but if you want to place orders and do transfers on the account, you will have to submit it to Alpen Rose, and they will submit it to the bank on your behalf The service of Alpen Rose is exceptional, actually even better than in most Swiss banks. My advice At one point of my life, I thought about completely retiring and just transferring my money into some stable fund, which would grow it for me So I asked a friend who knows almost everything there is to know about banking and different funds to make a recommendation of wh ere I should put my money I wanted the fund to be as stable as a bank, and at the same time, I wanted to get good returns on my money This guy told me that I am much better off investing on my own, but I insisted that he makes a recommendation This guy recommended me some funds, and I reviewed all of them, coming to a conclusion that indeed investing on my own is much better But I particularly liked two of the funds, and figured that I would recommend them to friends who didn t know how to invest One is called Mosaic Fund, which is inside of Pictet Bank in Switzerland Pictet is one of the biggest private banks in Switzerland that has been around since 1805 Mosaic is a billion dollar fund, but surprisingly, the minimum investment is only 10,000 It has been around since June 1, 1994 While many funds went bankrupt in 2008, Mosaic only lost -15 5 In 2006, they gained 13 2 , in 2007 17 4 , and in 2009 11 2 Click here to download their PDF that I received from my banking friend Click here to download excel sheet with Mosaic monthly performance since inception Their performance is net gain already after their management fees. Another fund that I was also impressed with is based in New York It s called Optima Futures Fund It s been around since June 14, 1991, and in 2008 while many funds went bankrupt, this fund managed to gain 1 1 In 2007, it gained 8 9 , and in 2009, it gained 12 7 Their 1 1 gain instead of a loss in 2008 is what impressed me the most, because when it comes to savings, I d rather see smaller yearly gains with no yearly losses than the other way around This is a much smaller fund than Mosaic, with assets of only around 100 million, but its minimum investment is 250,000 Click here to download their PDF. If I knew nothing about investing and banking, and I just started saving by using the holy grail system, here is what I would do with my money First I would gain 10,000, and then I would invest it into Pictet s Mosaic fund I would keep my money in this fund, a nd keep adding to it, until I was sure that I could safely invest myself with a gain of at least 30 per year by doing paper-investing simulated investing without real money In my opinion, keeping money in Mosaic and safely gaining 10-12 per year on average is much better than keeping money in a bank account, without knowing what to do with your money I am not sure how investing into this fund works, and I am not sure how they would look at US residents or US citizens as investors, but I think you need to go to Pictet Bank s website and inquire about these details If you have trouble, perhaps you could contact people from but don t do it until you absolutely need to It s always better to deal with banks and funds directly, without a third party, because a third party always wants to get paid I hope it s obvious to you that I have no gain or interest in recommending this fund to you It s simply a recommendation from my heart and experience. Conclusion You started reading my material, in h opes of gaining knowledge about forex trading, and you will, but I continue to talk about principles of money, because I know that you could care less about forex The reason you want to trade it is because you want to get rich quickly I can teach you a forex trading strategy, and we will be sitting and looking at the same currency pair at the same time, looking for the same thing, and one of us will make money, while the other will lose Even when I was running my live trading room, where I used to give people clear entry and exit points, so that they could copy all my trades and thus copy the success of my trading account, even then there were some people that kept losing money no matter what Somehow their life circumstances would unfold in such ways that they would come in during the times when I had my biggest losers, and they wouldn t come in during times when I had my biggest winners Yet there were others that would somehow magically come in during trading sessions where I mostly g ained, and somehow avoided trading sessions where I mostly lost, and these people had more gains in their trading accounts than me You can control many things in your life, but you have almost no control over the situations your life brings you, which can be called luck These situations, will arise whether you trade forex or not, and my experience suggests that they matter the most when it comes to becoming rich Giving 10 and following the holy grail will completely alter you as a person from inside out You will literally start living on a completely different wavelength, and your life circumstances and your luck will change to a point beyond recognition You try it, and see. Suggested Action If you still don t do it, start donating 10 of your gross income and start following the holy grail system Once you hit 1 million, up your donations to 50 This holy grail system is a commitment for life As soon as you complete filling out the first 10 sheets, and hit your goal on 10th sheet, create 10 more sheets Please understand that in this manifested universe, there is no such thing as status quo As one of my teachers likes to say Everything is either growing or dying Your finances are no different As soon as you stop managing and growing your savings, they will start decaying, or reducing I believe in appreciating what has been given to me, and taking care of things that have been given to me This is how I look at my money As long as I have it, I will keep growing it at a comfortable, non-ambitious pace, without the fear of losing it I have nothing to be afraid of, because even if I lose everything, I will remain a millionaire I can always call myself this, not because I have more than one million, but because I have given more than a million to charities Do the same, and you will be much richer financially and much happier as a person. Your Comments I will be most grateful for your comments about what has been shared here Perhaps some of you already have experiences that mat ch what I shared, while others have experiences that contradict it Do not underestimate the power of your comments If you have something important to say, then say it, because this website gets visited by millions of unique people every year, and some of them will end up reading this post and your comments Perhaps your comment will change the outlook of someone and really help them to change their life for the better Reply With Quote. Chapter 4 The Last Piece of The Inner-Wealth Puzzle it was crucial to my success - 04-30-2010, 02 30 AM The wise man, who gave me the holy grail system, once told me that wisdom is simply an ability to see things the way they are, while ignorance is inability to see things the way they are. There were many apple trees growing in the city that I grew up in, so during my childhood I picked apples from these trees Some of the trees bore sweet apples, others bore sour apples, while others bore bitter apples that were almost impossible to eat When I was a kid, I was very ignorant, so I thought that if the trees that bore bitter apples would get more sunlight and water, their apples would become sweeter, but it never happened Regardless of the weather, the trees that bore sweet apples continued to bear sweet apples, and the trees that bore bitter apples continued to bear bitter apples The blueprint of the fruit was inside of the tree, and the only way to change the taste of its fruits was by changing something in the tree itself. Many of us ignorantly think that if we get a better job or get involved in a more profitable business, our bitter struggle around money would get resolved My experience suggests that even if we acquire large amounts of money, our bitter struggle around money will remain it simply will change from desire to acquire it to fear of losing it, and many times this fear is even worse than the initial desire. If we want to change the taste of the fruits that our tree bears, we need to alter things on the inside, and this is why in this chapter we continue to talk about the inner principles of money and success. When I was 21, I shared a living space with a very interesting man, whose name was Glenn Pennock This guy Glenn started one of the first web design companies in Europe, which at one point was valued at 300 million As Glenn was running this company, he became inspired to go to India, in order to attend a speech by the Dalai Lama, so he went As he was sitting there among tens of thousands of other people, some Buddhist monks came to Glenn, and told him that Dalai Lama wished to see him Apparently, certain Buddhist oracle girl with clairvoyant abilities, pointed Glenn out in the crowd, and told the Dalai Lama that in Glenn s past life, he was Atisha, who originally brought Buddhism into Tibet Glenn met the Dalai Lama, and was subjected to few different tests in order to prove or disprove his past life as Atisha, the father of Buddhism in Tibet He passed all tests successfully, and was given a name of Tulk u Rin Chen Atisha He instantly became a very close adviser to the Dalai Lama, and was made head of a certain monastery, so when he came back to Europe to continue managing his company, he was wearing monk robes, which of course shocked many of his business associates After some years in Buddhism, Glenn became frustrated with the fact that certain sects of Buddhist monks were constantly killing each other, because of certain differences in beliefs, and Dalai Lama refused to do anything about it, so Glenn left Buddhism, and went back to normal life. So I lived with this guy Glenn for a little over 6 months He had certain spiritual abilities, which were beyond my understanding Once in a while Glenn would take out his pointed crystal, which was very sharp, and had me lay on my stomach Then he would work on my spine using this crystal, in order to purify certain nerve channels and open up certain dormant nerve channels along the spine One time, as he pressed on one of the nerves with his cry stal, that nerve released certain memory, which Glenn was able to see He told me that he saw me standing as a child in front of a house that was being burnt down by fire He also said that this experience had something to do with money, and it became imprinted in my subconscious mind, and has been driving my financial situation ever since He asked me to meditate on this. For a while, I couldn t remember any experience of me watching a house getting burnt when I was a kid No matter how hard I digged in my memory, I just couldn t find anything, but after some efforts to remember, I finally did. You see, one time, when I was a kid, I was walking down a street, and saw a certain house completely engulfed with fire I saw that a fireman just pulled out the last person out of the house, and this person was all in tears, and was trying to get out of fireman s grip, in order to run back into the burning house He kept saying that he had a lot of money hidden in the house, and he wanted to run back in there, in order to get this money I remember being very surprised about this situation, and thought that this man was crazy for being ready to get burnt and possibly die, in order to save some paper I mean, I clearly remember this fire in my mind now, it was crazy fire, there was no way anybody could possibly run into the house and survive, because the entire house was completely engulfed in flames. So as soon as I remembered this experience, I told Glenn about what I remembered, and he told me that this memory was one of the reasons why I never could keep any money As soon as I would accumulate a sum of 30,000- 50,000 in my savings, I would burn it all on some bad business investment Glenn told me that this experience of me seeing this desperate man being ready to die in order to get to his monetary savings, programmed a belief into my subconscious mind that having significant amounts of money in savings is dangerous for my life, so as soon as I would accumulate a significant sum, m y subconscious mind would find a way to get rid of it, in order to protect me. I have a hunch that I am not the only one who has had un-supporting belief about money I have a hunch that many people reading this have the same problem, and that s one of the reasons why they can t get rich Let s just think for a moment about Hollywood movies for example Most of them portray rich people as thieves and murderers This is because such movies are fun Who would want to watch a movie about some wealthy guy, who leads a simple life of discipline and virtue That s too boring Most of us want to be good and honest people, and by watching these movies, our subconscious minds get programmed that it s impossible to be wealthy and at the same time be good and honest We get programmed that in order to become rich, we must become criminals, so our subconscious mind protects us from dangerous riches by keeping us poor and middle-class I am not even going to talk about some of the negative things about money that many of us learn from our parents. Okay, we identified a possible problem, so let s now talk about a possible solution In Chapter 2, I talked about the very rich miracle-healer, whose name was Master Choa Kok Sui MCKS MCKS told me to do three things, in order for me to become a millionaire The third thing was practicing meditation on prosperity for 1 full year Glenn was a very good friend of MCKS, and he knew about this meditation on prosperity Glenn did not know of any better tool than this one, in order to reprogram my subconscious mind about money, so he fully supported MCKS s advice, and told me that he agreed with the fact that if I were to do this meditation for 1 year, it would most likely completely eradicate that old non-supportive program from the financial compartment of my subconscious mind, and install this new very supportive program. You must remember three things when practicing this meditation on prosperity First thing is facing North Second thing is doing semi-squ ats Third thing is the actual text I recorded a video of myself doing this meditation on prosperity Please watch it, and after you finish watching it, continue reading, in order to understand how it works and why we need to do all of these things. Facing North Master Choa Kok Sui was a chemical engineer by trade, and was used to eliminating superstitions by conducting experiments Nothing changed when he started to get involved in spiritual matters He worked with people who were able to see frequencies that were beyond most people s spectrum of vision These people he called clairvoyants, and he never considered any of these people special He believed that clairvoyance is a skill that could be acquired by doing certain exercises regularly, it s just certain people had more talent towards it than others, as is the case with most other skills as well As far as I know, he himself had a skill of clairvoyance and so did some of his students So as these clairvoyants would look at different dire ctions, such as North, East, West, and South, they would all see the same colors of energy blowing from these directions, regardless of the locations from where the experiments were done North emanated bright red energy, which has the lowest vibration East emanated bluish-violet energy, which is of highest vibration West emanated green energy, and South emanated orange energy It should also be noted that when clairvoyants looked at money, they saw very dirty energy of reddish color. In chapter 3, I talked about the nameless wise man, who taught me the Holy Grail System This nameless wise man has nothing to do with MCKS or Glenn, but he taught me something important, which I think I should share with you, in order for you to understand better how the meditation on prosperity really works. This wise man told me that the energetic structure of the planet Earth and the energetic structure of a human being are very similar The crust of the Earth is made out of lava The lava is initially brigh t red, but then as it cools, it becomes black, and eventually takes on other colors, but the initial color is red Then as we look above crust of the Earth, we see green, which is the color of trees and vegetation The third layer is the atmosphere, which looks blue We, humans, like Earth, also have red colored energy center at the bottom of our spine It pumps red energy into our body mostly into our legs , which allows us to act Then as we go up, we have green colored energy center in the center of our chest, where the thymus gland is It pumps green energy into our body mostly into our torso, arms, and hands , which allows us to feel Then as we go even more up, we have blue colored energy center in the center of our head, where the pineal gland is It pumps blue energy into our head and neck areas, which allows us to think The interesting part is that if you combine red light, green light, and blue light in equal quantities, you get pure white light. Let s go back to our discussion about why we should face North North emanates very bright and clean red energy, which is associated with physical action, bodily health, discipline, and of course money, because money is certainly much closer in nature to action, than to thinking and feeling So when we face North, while doing this meditation, we automatically get charged with these vibrations of bright red color, which magnifies the effect of the meditation. Semi-Squats Yes, you may look goofy when doing these semi-squats, but they are essential to the meditation on prosperity, because by doing these semi-squats, you are activating the energy center at the bottom of the spine, which starts pumping more red energy into your body This increased quantity of red energy will allow you to become more action-oriented and disciplined person and will help you attract more money into your life, which is also of similar vibration and color. In addition to this, you have to understand something else We have all met certain women that keep complaining that they can t meet a good guy Somehow they keep meeting these mean and abusive guys all the time, and they just can t help it There will be a crowd of 99 normal and respectful guys and 1 mean and abusive guy, and these women will pick that one guy This can also be because of some negative subconscious programming, but this programming is stored in a different spot than the negative programming about money This relationships-related programming is stored in the green heart center area, which would be accessible through certain nerves in the spine, while this monetary related negative programming is stored at the bottom of the spine red area, which would be accessible through completely different nerves of the spine So by doing these semi-squats, you are keeping your attention at this appropriate area, related to money, and reprogramming the appropriate nerves So in a way these squats allow you to focus and store the text of this meditation in the appropriate money-related nerve-compartment of your body. Text of the meditation You saw on the video that I am saying the text of this meditation from memory It wasn t always like that I used to read this text from paper But after doing it day after day, I couldn t help but remember it It happened naturally I haven t done this meditation for years, but still this text is as fresh in my mind as before This is what happens when you say one thing over and over again, day after day for a long period of time, such as one year The same thing will happen to you naturally At first, read it from a paper, but as you realize that it has become imprinted in your memory, you can read it from your memory. You see, we as human beings are not really built to forget Even if we manage to remove a memory of experience from our conscious mind, it still stays stored in the subconscious memory bank, and can still have major effects on our lives, without us even being aware of it It s like a systems folder in a computer if you delete files from there, your computer s operating system may stop functioning, but if a systems file has a bug, you can always replace it with a more up-to-date one The old file with a bug can go into trash folder, and once in that trash folder, it will still be stored in your computer, but it will no longer have an effect on the functionality of the operating system, because it has been replaced with a new file This is the principle behind meditation on prosperity It will push out all the other beliefs about money by becoming the primary belief. In the video, you should ve heard me first say the title Meditation on Prosperity , and then I said As taught by Master Choa Kok Sui The reason I mentioned this name is because it s the name of the person who designed this meditation, and I announce it as a sign of gratitude to him If you don t feel inspired to announce his name, since you don t know him, you don t need to do it He never taught to announce his name anyway The reason I put designed i n quotation marks, is because I knew MCKS quite well, and most of the time he never really designed anything He would just get it from a Higher Source, and share it with people I am convinced that this is exactly how this Meditation on Prosperity came about It was not designed by him, but rather given to him. MCKS always insisted that I say the title Meditation on Prosperity , before saying the actual text of the mediation The reason for that is because he did experiments, in which I personally participated, and when the person announced Meditation on Prosperity , and then went on repeating the text, their energy field became significantly stronger than if the same person just started saying the words of this meditation, without announcing the title Meditation on Prosperity first Thus I recommend you do the same First say Meditation on Prosperity , and then continue with the entire text. Here are the 10 lines of the text of the meditation You can either print it, or write it out by hand, and read it If you don t speak English too well, get an accurate translation of this text, and repeat it in your own language. Meditation on Prosperity. It is in giving that we receive As we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly This is the Divine Law As I give and share generously and abundantly, My life is blessed with great financial and material prosperity Money flows to me easily, constantly, and in great abundance Whatever I invest comes back to me many, many times My life is blessed with so much abundance, so much prosperity, so much success I am blessed with tremendous prosperity, And I live a life of moderation, discipline, and spirituality. Suggested Action In order to replace whatever negative programming you have about money, practice this meditation on prosperity for a period of 1 year So if today were May 6th, 2010, you would start today, and do it every day for 1 year, so your last day of doing it would be May 5th, 2011 If you happen to skip days during the year, simply keep track of the skipped days, and add them at the end of the year So if you started to practice it on May 6th, 2010, and skipped 11 days during the year, then your last day of practice will not be May 5th, 2011, but May 16th, 2011 5th 11 days 16th. I have usually practiced this meditation every morning upon awakening, but if you forget to do it in the morning, simply do it later during the day Later in the day still counts. This meditation is built upon the universal law of giving, which our subconscious mind is programmed to anyway, and that giving program only gets stronger every day I discussed in details how this programming takes place in Chapter 2 Please re-read it if you don t remember, and definitely start donating at least 10 of your gross income, in conjunction with practicing this meditation on prosperity. It will only take you one to one and a half minutes per day to practice this meditation, so I highly recommend you do it for the entire year Based on my own experience, I sincer ely believe that if you do it with conjunction of donating 10 of your gross income, it will not only improve, but transform your financial situation. I noticed that whispering this meditation to myself in complete privacy works even better than saying it with full voice Perhaps this is because I am a very secretive person by nature, and I like to do these types of things without other people knowing about it Maybe you are a different person, and saying it with full voice will work better for you Try both, and stick to the one that feels most natural. Your Comments When I used to practice this meditation in the morning, I would always feel much more at peace with my financial situation, and I also felt much more inspired to work after the meditation than before it Please try it, and if you want, post a comment of whether you experience similar feelings after doing it Reply With Quote. 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